Where science and tech meet creativity.

Work today, Maybe get paid next year (Maybe?)

Today I had the fun of explaining the grant cycle to my husband. This made me realize that most people don’t know how academics are (or aren’t) paid and do (and sometime try and fail) to earn a living. Money comes from a variety of different sources. There...

All good things come from the Cosmic Microwave Background

All good things come from the Cosmic Microwave Background. The geometry of universe is defined as flat from studies of the CMB using WMAP. The age of the universe is defined as 13.7 +/- 0.2 billion years from studies of the CMB using WMAP. Even the expansion rate of...

Random Thought 7

Fireworks are a great way to study persistence of vision. And if you don’t get motion sick, try watching through diffraction grating glasses. You can actually see the atomic/molecular lines of of the stuff used to make the fireworks! Happy Canada Day to all you...

Random Thought 6

Audio books allow one to “read” while gardening. Currently I’m “reading” Crytonomicon. I wish I could figure out how to blog while gardening. At what stage did life get so busy that it started feeling like a waste of time to concentrate...