Where science and tech meet creativity.

End of Semester Carnival

I JUST FINISHED GRADING EXAMS! I JUST FINISHED GRADING EXAMS! I JUST FINISHED GRADING EXAMS! <insert random happy dance with confused dogs> Wheeeeee 🙂 Ok – now that I have that out of my system… Go visit this weeks carnival of space over at Space...

Things man will never do 1: Rebuild the Sun

There are certain themes that arise in Astronomy Cast comments and fanmail. Most of the themes are happy, good, warm fuzzies. There are also your typical cranks. There are also, in the humorous category, a regular stream of well-meaning, highly hopeful people saying...

Researching Ourselves: Trends in Paper Citation

While poking through arXiv, I came across a fascinating piece of community introspection. Titled “Disentangling Visibility and Self-Promotion Bias in the arXiv:astro-ph Positional Citation Effect”, this paper by J. Deitrich (accepted into the Proceedings...

Majoring in Astronomy: Like English, but more expensive

Today while gardening my iPod got stuck on “repeat” while my hands were very very dirty for several hours. This resulted in me listening to Jonathan Larson’s Tick, Tick, … Boom three times before I could get my hands clean enough that I dared...

Caring for Students: 1 in 4 need more

I have to admit that I am a long time SNL fan. There is no good reason, other then tradition, to spend most Saturdays watching, but… It’s what I do. And sometimes their opening bit and Weekend Update give my brain something to chew on. Last night I tuned...