Where science and tech meet creativity.

IYA, The Movie Trailer

I invite all of you to view the movie trailer for the International Year of Astronomy, and if you are a teacher, please share this video with your students (it only needs attribution to be used widely). Last week I mentioned that I was working on the Portal to the...

Recovery, and Irrational Fears

To say it has been a long week would be an understatement. Last Sunday, jet lagged (very jet lagged) and happy, I landed at St Louis Lambert Airport, found where my husband had left the car on his way to California, and headed home to sleep. Monday morning was the...

What the [beep] is going on?

Yes, that was an Earthquake (5.4 Magnitude) Now the tornado sirens are going off. I am not going to go into the basement of my house after an Earthquake for many hours, however (there is a massive fault through here, and if it about to finish going, under my 100 year...

What the [bleep] was that?!?!?

It’s 4:47am. Up until I couple moments ago, I was dead asleep. Then the bed started shaking. Normally this means the dog is scratching violently. The dog wasn’t scratching. I think (?!?!?) there was just a fairly long duration , fairly strong, Earthquake...

Home Safe, all tech dead

I’m blogging from my iPhone. I’m home safe, and my husband and my cellular wireless card are in California on a business trip. My cable, Internet, and telephone are all dead. There is, after much anxious waiting, someone here. Unfortunately, the problem is...