I am working on a video project on E. Dorrit Hoeffleit, perhaps the oldest living female astronomer in the world. The American Association of Variable Star Observers has compiled some excellent historic footage of her from various events. Can you help identify where and when the clips are from, and who is in the clips?
View Movie “Dorrit Hoffleit: Images from the first 100 years”
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For information on Dorrit Hoffleit, please check out these sites:
Phew! You scared me. I thought Dorrit had died.
I really doubt I’ll be able to help on this, but I’ll take a look at it when I get home tonight and let you know.
Hope you guys had a good New Year!!
Ich bin ja gespannt ob, und wenn ja wie, der 68A dann geführt wird.. und ob man noch zu Fuß zum Reumannplatz ruenrespaziertn kann wenn die Baustelle erst mal da ist..
Sin duda una BB Cream para pieles grasas te dará un buen aspecto, pero el acné debes tratarlo con productos astringentes y mucha limpieza.En Belleza Pura puedes ver artÃculos sobre como hacer una limpieza casera una vez por seneaa.Sumrte.BP
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I need to prepare report on carbon credits. Can anyone recommend me to a study/link that I can access online?Specifically, I need information on how to calculate carbon credits for the oil and gas, power, and transportation industries. For example, how much energy do we need to generate from a renewable energy-based power plant (geothermal, solar, hydro, etc.) to offset the GHG emissions of a coal-fired power plant? Or how many trees do we need to offset the GHG emissions from a oil and gas field? Are there global standards to quantify carbon credits? Appreciate any help.