Where science and tech meet creativity.

I will be attending the ASP’s Cosmos in the Classroom 2007.


Online Education and Intellectual Property Protection Pamela L. GayAs students and textbooks become more wired, instructors are responding by posting content online, providing digital homework, and podcasting classes. With so much intellectual content moving into public Internet spaces, it is increasingly important to consider ways to legally use and legally copyright, trademark and protect online content. In this two-part presentation, participants will look at copyright and trademark issues from the side of both the content user and the content creator. Specific emphasis will be given to the new areas of downloadable audio and video content, and creating families of related materials.In the first part of the workshop, participants will learn about fair use of materials for non-profit / educational purposes, and will explore sites from which art work, audio, and interactive content can be taken freely. Information on effective ways to seek permission to use copy-protected content will also be presented.

The second half of the workshop will address copyright alternatives such as Creative Commons and ways to protect content using Apple’s iTunes U, Blackboard, and WordPress. Tips on creating content that has a unique feel that people consistently attribute to the proper owners (even when material is “borrowed”) will also be discussed.

As part of this workshop, participants will create their own 1-minute podcasts and post them as protected online content.


Podcasts: The Other Content Meat Pamela L. Gay
In today’s dynamic classroom, students’ learning is no longer confined to lecture content and the words within a (often out of date) textbook. Added to the instructional ingredients list are interactives, real research experiences, and ancillary content in the form of podcasts and videos. In this poster, we present a model for using podcasts to enrich student learning. We will address ways your students can seek their own answers by participating in questions shows with professions, and explore content beyond the scope of the normal classroom such as particle physics and relativity. Teacher tools will also be presented, including ways to use podcasts for evaluation by having students make their own shows by modeling online astronomy shows.