Astronomy Cast and the Bad Astronomer his bad self are planning to have meetup for all you wonderful fans and friends out there who will be at the AAS meeting or who feel like driving to Austin.
The place isn’t set in stone, but we’re thinking maybe the Iron Cactus downtown (the bar and grill within walking of the convention center – Anyone in Austin willing to do some footwork? Checking out if the Iron Cactus has a room and making reservations or similar?)
Time is Tuesday at 8pm.
We’d love to get some general sense of how many people are interested. If you are thinking of going, can you please pipe up? (There is also a thread set up on BAUT).
I’m in. What kind of footwork do you need? Also, there are two locations of this restaurant in Austin.
hi Steve – modified text is now above 🙂
I’ll be there (Assuming that the strike action at UK airports the day before doesn’t kill me).
You might check with the local astronomers at Univ. of Texas/Austin as to where they’d have a meetup. What place has the best BBQ maybe? Belgian draft beer?
If ’twas me, I’d have it at Chuy’s, Tex-Mex at its best!
Hey again. I’m out of town for the holiday, but I’ll be back in Austin by New Year’s. I’ll give them a call when I get back, unless you think making the reservation earlier will be necessary. What kind of room are you thinking, and how many people are you expecting?
Count me in, for sure! I’m not the best one to ask for locations since my local knowledge is 10 years old, but I’m sure there are good choices in the area.
I have sent email and received a reply from “Joanna” at the Iron Cactus. Do you want me to book a meeting room? I would have to guess that at least 20 people will show up. A lot more if we generate any “publicity”. 🙂
I have now received a new reply from Joanna:
We have several spaces that can be reserved, however, each requires a food and beverage minimum and one form of payment for the tab. Otherwise, your group is welcome to just come in. We have a large rooftop patio, weather permitting, that will accommodate 200+ guests and everyone can mingle in the cocktail area up there.
My addition: it will likely be a good idea to wear a coat, rather than just a sweater.
It sounds like just showing up is a good option. Thanks so much for checking on things! I think we’re definately looking at over 20 people. Since it is a Tuesday, I’m hoping we can just sort of take over the place 🙂
TheSpacewriter, her bad self, will be there! Remind me when you see me in case I get caught up in the astro-whirl!
See ya there!
P.s. I think the press dinner is Tuesday night, but you might want to check on that.
Hi Carolyn, The press dinner is Wednesday night (when it conflicts with “Movie Night”). Soooo, you’ve got no excuse! We’ll be sure to remind you, to 🙂
Hi Pamela,
My wife and I would like to attend.
Jerry Cavin
Hi Pamela;
You take good care of my son. Tex Mex and Tequila shooters-I don’t know…
I do enjoy Astronomy cast. I listen to it during my morning walks. You two have a way of making the subject interesting to even old fogies like me.
Take care.
R Cain