Where science and tech meet creativity.


I have to admit it: It was blisteringly cold and there were intermittent clouds and I missed the lunar eclipse.

But, I still got to see it thanks to John S Gianforte of Blue Sky Observatory. He caught the images above (click for larger versions) using a Meade 127ED refractor at f/9 with a Canon 20Da DSLR.


The sequence above was taken by Richard Drumm. Rich said the image was taken with a “Nikon D-70 at prime focus of an Orion Atlas 10 reflector. Totality image is a stack of 2 images (stacked by hand in PhotoShop). The little star (HIP 50370/TYC 840-1499-1 mag 8.5, 1,124 LY, non-variable binary >10” sep, 3.6 solar radii) in the totality image had to be stacked separately from the Moon as the Moon had moved slightly between images. The 2 totality images were taken at ISO 1600 and 1/4 sec exposure. The white balance setting was set for “sunny”. 10:28:48 & 10:28:54 were the time of the 2 exposures according to the camera’s internal clock. I suspect the images were actually taken closer to 10:22. The Moon had moved perceptibly (a couple pixels anyway) in only 6 seconds!”

Have some images of your own? Email them to me at pamela at starstyder dot com and I’ll post them here or leave a link to your site in the comments below. I’d love to see the different colors the moon may have appeared from different locations.