Want to get involved in taking data? Visiting with researchers? Getting others looking up? Here are some ways:
The GLOBE at Night: Starting Monday February 25, the GLOBE at Night program is asking everyone in the world (which would include you) to go out, look up, match how many stars they see in Orion with comparison charts available online, and then report their observations through their website.  This data will be used to map the severity of light pollution around the globe.
Lunar and Planetary Society Conferene: Interested in Solar System Science? Are you a Houston are Educator (formal or informal?) March 10-14 the 34th LPSC conference will be taking place in League City, TX (just outside of Houston) and on March 9 they will hold an pre-conference EPO Meeting at the Lunar and Planetary Institute. Rebecca and I will both be going and we will have a very informal get together Tuesday March 11 at 8pm. I am leaning toward the bar at San Lorenzo’s Mexican Cafe on Marina Bay Drive. If anyone has a better idea, please pipe up.
Saturn Night Live: March 15 I’ll be in San Antonio with some friends from BAUT Forum at Scobee Planetarium. Join us to look up and enjoy Saturn, the moon and other bright celestial objects.
2nd International Sidewalk Astronomy Day: April 12 (I’ll remind you 😉 ) will be a day of guerrilla astronomy. Do you own a telescope? Well, get it out and set it up in a public place and plan to assault random people with the stars! If I’m not in Europe (and I’ll let you know as soon as I know if I’m going), I’ll be at Annie’s Frozen Custard with local astronomers.
Conferene? Did you mean Conference? Sorry to nitpick, but I’m somewhat a perfectionist.