Just a heads up on why I’ve gone quiet: Tomorrow I’m giving a talk at my alma mata, Michigan State University.
I’ll be talking about the International Year of Astronomy and focusing on New Media projects.
If you’re in the area and you can come, I’d love to see you Wednesday at 1:40PM in Room 1400 of the Biomedical and Physical Sciences Building at MSU.
Go Spartans 😉
I saw this on Digg today. You should probably throw it in your speach, and tell everyone you know what it is but you just want to keep it secret.
Bummer, two weeks early. I’m going to be there homecoming weekend.
Nooo! I have a class between 12:40 and 14:00! 🙁
How long is the talk? Would you stay there until 14:30? Please?
Once upon a time, I was a Spartan. That was about twelve years before you got there.
I was a physics major then. I sometimes wonder what I’d be doing now if I’d completed my degree.
Hi Pamela,
I’m a recent audience member of Astronomy Cast (love it!) and a Spartan (B.S. 1985, M.S. 1987). Sorry I missed this message earlier, or I would have headed down to East Lansing to hear your talk and hopefully meet you!
I hope you head on back to Spartan Country again soon, and I’ll try to pay better attention next time!