Where science and tech meet creativity.

Republicans and Creationism

There is a story over on Cosmic Variance that is a most read for anyone planning to vote or to try and influence someone’s vote in the U.S. 2008 presidential elections. To quote Sean: “It was an embarrassing moment in the first Republican presidential...

In search of Tidal Tails…

Okay, at this point it is old news, but, just to state the old news one more time for anyone who missed it – our galaxy has tidal tails. The first press release on tidal tails that I know of occurred at the 2001 San Diego meeting of the AAS, and was related to...

Countdown to Solar Maximum: Coronal Mass Ejections

Anyone living in the extreme Northern or Southern latitudes has at one point or another looked up at night and seen the sky awash in color. Called the Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis respectively, these natural-light shows are a by-product of material from the...

Random Thought 3

I just watched the first episode of “The Universe.” It is accurate and so totally unlike anything I’ve seen on PBS that I’m at a loss for words. Take every cool image of the Sun you’ve ever seen, combine them with talking heads that are...

To Blog? To Sleep?

In this case, to sleep is the correct response. Much blogging will be coming tomorrow and Monday. For now I leave you with this thought: The Earth’s rotation combined with this time of year makes it such that if you take off in Maui at Sunset you land 4 hours...