Where science and tech meet creativity.

The Universe: The Red Planet

I just finished watching this week’s episode of “The Universe.” As its name, The Red Planet, implies, this episode focused on the forth planet from the Sun: Mars. It took a systematic journey through our understanding of Mars that included historical...

The Quiet Desperation of Relying on Old Tech

Several minutes ago I asked my beloved laptop to please > tar -cvf AAS.tar Interviews It said /Interviews and it began to tar. That was several minutes ago. It is still going. I have a no longer shiny, no longer able to latch shut, sometimes failing to wake, but still...

Most Massive Star Ever Weighed

The only time astronomers can determine stellar or planetary masses with any certainty is when the stars or planets occur in systems that are aligned such that we can measure both their velocities using spectra, and we can observe the objects eclipsing one another....

Deja Press Release: More on Black Hole Spin

Last week at the AAS there was a press conference focused on how super massive black holes interact during galaxy mergers and why/how black holes aren’t ejected during mergers. That press conference highlighted the work of University of Maryland researchers lead...

Politics, Religion, Science and Tears

There are few concepts that can make advocates of the scientific method, astronomy and biology more twitchy than “Creationism.” In its strictest sense, creationism is the belief that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe were created in their...