Where science and tech meet creativity.

A Morning of Phoenix

(disclosure: I left my cellular internet dongle in my room, so I’m twittering sessions live and posting blog entries on a semi random basis when I can go out and find internet) I’m leaning against the back wall of a packed ballroom filled with the brim...

I’m not messing with Texas, Just with LPSC

Currently I’m on my way to Houston Texas to attend the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference courtesy of the Lunar and Planetary Institute and the Jet Propulsion  Lab. This is my third LPSC and I have to say I’m really excited. This is one of my...

Catching up

It’s been a while since I last blogged. I have to admit that I’ve missed it, but the past few months have been a bit busy. Things are finally starting to reach the point where I can begin to reveal some of what’s going on. About a year ago I went to...