by Pamela | Aug 20, 2010 | Astronomy, Galaxies, Nebulae
Sometimes, as an astronomer, I get to do some really weird stuff. This summer is one of those times. I actually, thanks to project PI (i.e. lead) Bill Keel, got an opportunity to help produce a comic book telling the story of how a Dutch school teacher found the light...
by Pamela | Jan 15, 2008 | Astronomy, Galaxies
Last week I had a fabulous opportunity to sit down and talk with Galaxy Zookeepers Jordan Raddick and Chris Lintott. Here is the audio from our conversation – Enjoy! Star Stryder: An Interview with Zookeepers [Mp3 – 13.8 Mb] As you may have periodically...
by Pamela | Jan 10, 2008 | Galaxies
I just had the strangest realization. Stepping into the Galaxy Evolution session of oral presentations I got to listen to the AstroPixie present her research. Like me, she is a UT person (I got my PhD, she is getting her PhD). I knew that. What I didn’t know is...
by Pamela | Jan 8, 2008 | Astronomy, Galaxies
According to research presented by Eric Gawiser of Rutgers University, ancestors of Milky Way (MW) like galaxies appear to be Lyman Alpha emitting galaxies. These progenitors were about 1/10th the size of the MW, 1/20th the mass of the MW, and 1/40th the stellar mass...
by Pamela | Jan 8, 2008 | Astronomy, Galaxies
Duilia deMello of the Catholic University of America and NASA Goddard is presenting in the afternoon galaxies press conference. I’m in here reporting while Rebecca edits, and Phil and Fraser are listening to the NASA town hall meeting. In peering around the...
by Pamela | Nov 29, 2007 | Astronomy, Galaxies
[warning Will Robinson: the voices in my head that used to help write Slacker Astronomy are forcing me to write in the genre of a sensationalized nature special] One of the most elusive creatures speculated to lurk within the sky are the mysterious very high-redshift...