by Pamela | Aug 20, 2010 | Astronomy, Galaxies, Nebulae
Sometimes, as an astronomer, I get to do some really weird stuff. This summer is one of those times. I actually, thanks to project PI (i.e. lead) Bill Keel, got an opportunity to help produce a comic book telling the story of how a Dutch school teacher found the light...
by Pamela | May 13, 2008 | Astronomy, Nebulae, Stars
One of my favorite things to do with students in the late fall is to take them outside and point first to the Orion nebula, then to the Pleiades, and finally to the Hyades cluster, saying “these are snap shots in the evolution of open clusters.” Each of...
by Pamela | Feb 11, 2008 | Astronomy, Nebulae, Stars
I am so so frustrated that I can’t get the full journal article associated with this press release. I’m going to have to do some emailing tomorrow to see if someone can get it to me. Here is what has me excited. In a new paper in Astronomy and Astrophysics...
by Pamela | Mar 13, 2007 | Nebulae, Observing
As I’ve mentioned before, press releases that don’t really contain science are one of my pet peeves. That said, one such press release came across my inbox this morning and made me giggle happily. The image was of the Crab Nebula (above left: credit:...
by Pamela | Feb 14, 2007 | Exo Solar Systems, Nebulae
It is easy in astronomy to lump different objects into specific groups. At the top-most level, there are stars, galaxies, planetary systems (including asteroids and comets), and dust-bunnies interstellar and intergalactic media (clouds and nebula). Looking a bit...