Where science and tech meet creativity.

All the news that tried to escape

Today’s American Astronomical Society news feed brought me a small handful of press releases. Three releases (1, 2, 3) related to the approximate mapping of the exoplanet HD 189733b, and to the discovery that exoplanet HD149026b is the hottest known world. Cool....

Three New Species Discovered in the Milky Way

Scientists this week have discovered three previously undiscovered species: a new species of reef lobster living off the cost of the Philippines, a new source of gamma-ray radiation associated with star forming regions, and a new class neutron star+supergiant binary...

The Explosive Universe

Many things are in the pipeline for production. In the past 24 hours I have recorded numerous different interviews and tidbits with people working on supernovae, in science reporting, and astronomy education. I have so much material I’m not quite sure when...