Where science and tech meet creativity.

And it came from the CMB . . .

Fraser (my co-host over at Astronomy Cast) and I like to joke about how everything we know in astronomy we know because of the Cosmic Microwave Background. How do we know the universe formed during the Big Bang? The CMB. How do we know the cosmic geometry is flat? The...

Dating Stars: HE 1523-0901

When trying to date a star, many websites state the problem is often best to approached with sweet words, lots of bling, and paparazzi repellent. A stint in the right rehab facility might increase your odds of success, and playing sports professionally has also worked...

All the news that tried to escape

Today’s American Astronomical Society news feed brought me a small handful of press releases. Three releases (1, 2, 3) related to the approximate mapping of the exoplanet HD 189733b, and to the discovery that exoplanet HD149026b is the hottest known world. Cool....

The Big Bang and the Universe’s Big Future

From September 10-14, I’ll be working with the Davidson Institute’s Young Scholars program to put on an online colloquium titled, “The Big Bang and the Universe’s Big Future.” Abstract: Astronomers, on a CSI-style mission, have followed...